“Star Trek: Discovery” is a new TV series that is set ten years before the events of the original Star Trek created by Gene Roddenberry. The series is created and written by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman. According to Wikipedia, It follows the crew of the USS Discovery as they explore space finding new worlds and civilizations. The series will be on CBS then move to CBS All Access. Season one will contain 13 episodes.
The series features Jason Isaacs as Captain Lorca, Doug Jones as Lt. Saru, Shazad Latif as Lieutenant Tyler and Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham. Jason Isaacs was also in the Harry Potter series as Lucius Malfoy. Other films that he is also known for are “The Patriot,” “Peter Pan” in 2003 and “Black Hawk Down.” Doug Jones is known for “Pan’s Labyrinth,” “Hellboy” and “Hellboy ll” and “Adaptation.” Actress Sonequa Martin-Green was on The Walking Dead as Sasha Williams.
The original “Star Trek” aired from 1966-69. The next series “Star Trek: The Next Generation aired from 1987-1994. The next series was “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine” which aired from 1993-99 and then “Star Trek: Voyager” which aired from 1995-2001. The only other prequel series was “Star Trek: Enterprise” which ran from 2001-05. Star Trek Discovery takes the crew “where no man has gone before”.
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